Luis Simões receives WeCary Award 2023
20 Jun, 2023

Luis Simões has been honored by Expressglass with the ‘WeCary’ seal in recognition of its commitment to sustainability. This seal represents the company’s acknowledgment of its conscious choice to repair vehicle glass instead of replacing it, resulting in a reduction of approximately 1 ton of CO2e in 2022.

Expressglass, represented by Manuel Silva and Pedro Alves, presented the LS Fleet Management team, consisting of Ricardo Pinho and Vânia Figueiras, with an award that includes a plant and two certificates of excellence.

The WeCary project reflects Expressglass’s growing concern for sustainability, in alignment with the principles of the Paris Agreement, encouraging glass repair instead of replacement to significantly reduce carbon emissions.

Furthermore, the WeCary certification values the use of digital channels to schedule services, minimizing trips to physical stores, which contributes to a positive environmental impact and inspires other companies to follow the same path.